
Partial discharge of the transformer is how to produce

Partial discharge is mainly Amorphous Core Transformer, transformers and other high-voltage electrical equipment in the role of high voltage, the internal insulation of the discharge occurs. This discharge only exists in the local location of the insulation, does not immediately form the entire insulation breakdown or flashover through, so called partial discharge. Partial discharge is very weak, relying on human intuitive feeling, such as the eye view of the ear is not aware of, only the high sensitivity of the partial discharge measuring instruments to detect it. Insulation inside the three winding transformer in the operation of long-term under the action of the voltage, especially with the voltage level increases, the insulation strength of the electric field is high, weak in the insulation is likely to produce partial discharge, the partial discharge of the reason is: Too much concentration of a point, or a point of the electric field strength is too large, such as solid medium bubbles, impurities are not removed in addition to the net; oil water, gas, suspended particles; different media combinations, the interface has serious electric field distortion . Traces of partial discharge in the solid insulation often leave only a small spot, or a dendritic burn marks. In the oil, there are some decomposition of the small bubbles.

